I did win Melange, she is happily standing on my dresser next to Big Ben. She is my very first JAH SR, and I love her!
The semester is over soon, two more weeks! I have a ton of homework to do (which I am putting off right now.... heh heh) and I am looking forward to the end of the semester.
Secret Santa is underway on Model Horse Blab. I am having fun deciding what to make/buy for my partner. I started working on a project today, and I think it will turn out good. I am not going to specify details, in case she happens to come across my blog!
I am excited for Christmas, as always. Not only for the presents, but I just love the feeling of Christmas at my house. The Christmas tree, lights, food, oh I can't wait! I love when everyone is home, anticipating opening presents, and seeing how my family likes the gifts I made/got for them!