Saturday, September 25, 2010


Friday I started pastelling the Schleich mare I had prepped and primed. I decided she is going to be a nice bay pinto. She's got about seven or eight layers of pastel on her now. I would share pictures, but that would require finding the camera, and I don't really feel like doing that right this moment. Maybe tomorrow.

I send my card in for the JAH SR Melange, so I am really anxious to see if I get picked! I really hope so. Other than that, nothing really to report. I plan on making some halters pretty soon, once I get situated in school (the semester starts Monday =\ )

Friday, September 17, 2010


Welcome to the Three Pines Farm studio blog! I made this blog to document my progress on different projects I want to complete. This will include pictures and descriptions of each step.

Right now, I have two horses that are unpainted. I still need to do some prepping on the Traditional horse, but I do have one Schleich that is ready to go, I just need to decide on a color for her. I am pretty sure I am going to do a bay pinto, I just need to figure out how much pinto I want her to have. This also involves getting motivated to start, and also the weather plays a big role. You can't let a horse sit outside and air out when it's pouring rain!