Monday, November 22, 2010

Work in Progress

One of the projects for my Blab Secret Santa partner includes halters for two of the models that she is receiving. The other two are in line to get etched, and I will post pictures of those after Christmas. One horse is almost done being etched, the other I haven't even started yet, but plan to work on this week on breaks from homework.

Here is a picture of the halters in progress.

Not the best picture, but I was too lazy to go and get the camera and took it with my phone instead! Hahah.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I did win Melange, she is happily standing on my dresser next to Big Ben. She is my very first JAH SR, and I love her!

The semester is over soon, two more weeks! I have a ton of homework to do (which I am putting off right now.... heh heh) and I am looking forward to the end of the semester.

Secret Santa is underway on Model Horse Blab. I am having fun deciding what to make/buy for my partner. I started working on a project today, and I think it will turn out good. I am not going to specify details, in case she happens to come across my blog!

I am excited for Christmas, as always. Not only for the presents, but I just love the feeling of Christmas at my house. The Christmas tree, lights, food, oh I can't wait! I love when everyone is home, anticipating opening presents, and seeing how my family likes the gifts I made/got for them!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Friday I started pastelling the Schleich mare I had prepped and primed. I decided she is going to be a nice bay pinto. She's got about seven or eight layers of pastel on her now. I would share pictures, but that would require finding the camera, and I don't really feel like doing that right this moment. Maybe tomorrow.

I send my card in for the JAH SR Melange, so I am really anxious to see if I get picked! I really hope so. Other than that, nothing really to report. I plan on making some halters pretty soon, once I get situated in school (the semester starts Monday =\ )

Friday, September 17, 2010


Welcome to the Three Pines Farm studio blog! I made this blog to document my progress on different projects I want to complete. This will include pictures and descriptions of each step.

Right now, I have two horses that are unpainted. I still need to do some prepping on the Traditional horse, but I do have one Schleich that is ready to go, I just need to decide on a color for her. I am pretty sure I am going to do a bay pinto, I just need to figure out how much pinto I want her to have. This also involves getting motivated to start, and also the weather plays a big role. You can't let a horse sit outside and air out when it's pouring rain!