Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh Weather....

The weather over the past few days has not been ideal for model horse customizing. Cold is not a good thing when I need sealer to dry, so I have not been working on my model for the Stablemate Swap on Model Horse Blab. I must say, I am starting to figure out and get more comfortable with pastelling, though! I am customizing a G2 TB body. She's eventually going to have an Appaloosa pattern, I'm just not sure which type yet, though I am leaning towards a blanket pattern with probably a blaze and at least one or two stockings. I will try to get a picture tomorrow, assuming I can find the camera!

Monday, March 7, 2011

A few of my customs

This first little guy is a portrait of a friend's little buckskin Quarter Horse colt, named Cash.

He is painted in pastels, and is the classic sized QH foal.

And finally, we have some etched horses I did for my Blab Secret Santa partner, sassymiss.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


After this week, I will have one more week left of this semester, and then I am free for two weeks. During this time, I plan on making halters, starting my contribution for the spring Stablemate swap on Blab.

School is going pretty good, but I am really looking forward to the end of the semester.

I know I won't have enough time over break to work on the ten horses I have ready to be painted, but there's always summer!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy [late] New Year!

I've just been so busy that actually forgot that I had a blog! School has started back up again, so I do not have much time for models right now, but I am considering entering a live show in April! It will be my very first live show, and I'm excited.

I made a few halters while I was on Christmas break. Also, I got quite a few models this year! I got a ton of Stablemates from my Blab Secret Santa partner (as well as some props and a bunch of other great stuff!). I also received my very first Peter Stone ISH from my parents, as well as the two JCP SR stock horses.